30 June 2009

Death of a...Bankrupted Pedophile or The Most Famous Person to Ever Live?

Ok so they say everyone mourns/grieves differently...but really world?? is it absolutely necessary to stop every song on the radio, on your comp/ipod, on every website, music channel, and any other place that the ear picks up labyrinths of notes, and switch to playing ONLY Michael Jackson?!

How is it even possible for airplay to increase by 1735%? I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad about that. I mean, we all love MJ and yes, I too, still have not swallowed the reality that the King of Pop is gone, but do we really need a constant reminder?

Some fun facts on this past week's Posthumous Explosion:
- Airplay jumped from 3,671 plays to 67,383 with "Billie Jean" being the most popular
- 1/2 of iTunes Top 20 downloaded singles were MJ
- Every slot in Amazon.com's Top 15 best-seller list was MJ
- The topic has been on Twitter's Trending Topics since the announcement of his death over a week ago AND when announced Twitter's number of normal tweets per second DOUBLED
- Many celebrities and fans have paid tribute including Pete Wentz, P Diddy, Chris Cornell, Lisa Marie Presley, etc

For all you stalkers, I mean fans, out there...a public viewing of his body will be held at his Neverland estate on Thursday...

R.I.P Michael Jackson

Crazy Communists

News from Russia...apparently the crazies over there are trying to make it illegal for kids to be 'emo' ...

a. Define emo.
b. If you so wish to define it based on attire and music listened to - can you really regulate that?

Was there really any thought put into this new proposed legislation?? the officials say that being emo increases chances of being depressed and suicidal...ummmm have they ever considered kids might be that way because RUSSIA'S PEOPLE ARE OPPRESSED??

Oh well...your transatlantic neighbor feels you, so enjoy some local punk/ska empathy :)

Patent Pending - Cheer Up Emo Kid